Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Are We Reaching Our Students?

As an educator, a proud educator, I'd like to think I am one of those who attempts to make learning interesting and relevant for my students. I am a fan of technology and enjoy applying it and allowing students to apply it in order to benefit learning.

That certainly does not mean there are not times when the excitement has dwindled and certain ideas or concepts need to be discussed that unfortunately may not have a lot of room for bells, whistles, and instant gratification. However, the approach that you take in these areas , such as understanding the usage of proper grammar, can be made to be entertaining and interactive if you can take the time to plan it. That is not always an option though.

Some kids will complain at the "boring" stuff...and some will complain even if you put them in front of the most exciting learning opportunity. But that doesn't mean we stop trying, experimenting, and having fun ourselves as we teach. I sincerely enjoy teaching and I think at times, I have more fun than some of my students will allow themselves to.

We are in an everchanging world and its is changing exponentially it seems. What was once the focus of some educational concepts may now be outdated and we must as educators make sure that we are adapting and changing with society as well. I never want to be considered a dinosaur teacher.

A colleague of mine in my Masters programme found a couple of interesting videos on Youtube that can stimulate some debate or discussion about the changing world we live in and the educational response that is happening. (Video below) Is this what students are thinking as they attend to their schooling and what are educators doing to address this and meet the student need? At what point do students need to also take responsibility for their educational pursuits as well?

I would love to hear some responses or comments from students, teachers, or any interested parties.

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