Wednesday, December 26, 2007

Alonzo Mourning Tribute

Alonzo Mourning is one of the best shot blockers in the history of the NBA. Despite his injury woes during his career, when healthy he could dominate a game defensively making many aggressive ball handlers think twice before entering "Zo's House".

Mourning was always a treat to watch and helped me out in numerous years of fantasy basketball. I think what I like most about Alonzo is his heart and passion for the game. The guy got seriously pumped when he played and inspired people around him and was easily a fan favourite. Was he ever tough in the paint!!

He underwent successful knee surgery last week on Friday, after tearing his patellar tendon a couple days earlier on Wednesday. Unfortunately for the NBA and its fans, the surgery signals the end of Mourning's season and in all likelihood his career. Mourning was nearing the end of his career but I think he still had plenty left in him for a couple of years.

Here are a couple of videos I found on Youtube that I'll put up as a tribute to one of the toughest defenders in NBA history.

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